Simple WordPress Themes made for You
The easy way to build your website
Simple made easy
Beautiful and easy-to-use WordPress themes, that run fast
Easy to Customize
Upload your logo, adjust colors, change the layout to match your content, and see the preview in real-time.
Beautiful Design
Get a professional and elegant site for a one-time, affordable price with our Premium WordPress Themes.
Direct Support
One-on-one email support to ensure 100% satisfaction. We are here to help!
Fully Responsive
Your website will look amazing on every screen and device to provide a great user experience.
Lightweight & Fast
We craft our WordPress Themes with performance, usability and SEO in mind.
Clean and Secure Code
Our code follows the standards and best-practices recommended by WordPress.
Simple and Minimal WordPress Themes
Designs you’ll love
Here’s what our fans have to say
My customer wanted a clean look and a nice design that still had great features for a blog. The Brilliant Plus theme embraced her wishes and was very easy to use. Customer service quick and friendly. Thank you!
Ann Hedahl
Most WordPress themes go for $40 – $60 and offer too many options. They are just too complicated for me. The Box Plus allowed me to envision the site before I added any content to it. Perfect for my budget!
Nathaniel Smalley
Design Lab are great! They keep adding more and more theme options. I have asked them for a couple of custom features and they do their best to integrate them as appropriate.
Oliver Fisher
From the very first request for customization, Design Lab jumped in and solved every little issue I had. Quick and nice. My compliments for the excellent service and the friendly approach
Yvo Hennekens